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Benefits of Working from Home and Working from Home Efficiently - SkillSource

Written by Skill Source | Mar 20, 2019 8:36:00 AM
What are the Benefits of Working from Home

Working from home is becoming an increasingly popular option for businesses of all sizes. There are many benefits of working from home for both employers and employees. The following article will outline some of the benefits of working from home as well as go over working from home tips to help employees remain productive.

What are the benefits of Working from Home for Employees

Save Money

Not only will you save on parking, gas money or the costs of public transportation by cutting out the back and forth trips to work, but you are free to prepare your lunch in your own kitchen instead of spending upwards of $15 a day going out.

Working from Wherever

Flexibility is highly coveted these days and increased mobility is another one of the benefits of working from home. Not everyone does their best work in an office setting. Some feel more productive in the comfort of their own home or in a familiar coffee shop while others prefer a coworking space but enjoy the freedom to come and go as they please.

Avoid Office Drama

While some may miss the office small talk, often working from home relieves team members from the stress of dealing with the inevitable headache of office politics.

Cut out the Commute

For many employees, the commute alone can contribute a significant amount of frustration to the average workday. Allowing employees to cut this out of their routine for even a couple days of the week can seriously reduce daily stress. 

Benefits of Working from Home for Employers

Contrary to popular belief, there are just as many work-from-home benefits for employers as there are for employees.

Reduced Overhead Costs

Many companies see across the board savings when allowing employees to work from home. Increasing the number of remote employees can consequently reduce costs associated with rent, utilities, office supplies, and furniture, as well as complimentary food and beverages.

Increased Employee Morale

One in four employees has left a job because of an extended commute alone. Lowering employee turnover is ideal for building a successful team as well as reducing expenses associated with hiring. Offering more freedom and flexibility are proven ways to significantly increase employee satisfaction and retention.

Reduced Absences

On top of the average employee being more productive during the workday, team members will be less inclined to request vacation if they are already able to work from an environment that is less stressful and more relaxing for them. Additionally, workers with emergency family situations or mild illnesses won’t feel pressured to come in and spread illness.

Increased Talent Pool

If your business operates almost entirely remotely, you will be able to broaden your prospecting scope and find the most qualified candidates without geographical limitations. 

How to Work from Home Efficiently

Knowing how to work from home effectively is important for any position. Working from home can quickly become a nonstarter if employees aren’t given the knowledge and tools that allow them to remain productive and efficient. The following working from home advice offers some tips for working from home for employees looking to stay as productive as possible. 

Create a Separate Workspace

One of the biggest challenges when working from home is that the lines between your work life and real-life become easily blurred. There are a couple of ways to combat this. First, switch up your environment by going to a coffee shop or coworking space. If you are unable to leave or chose to remain in the house while working, consider creating completely separate spaces for work and leisure. Even if you don’t have a separate office, keep work technologies away from places like your bedroom, where you intend to relax and recharge after work. When you log off for the day turn off notifications and close programs, so you truly are off the clock.

Check-In Socially

There is a plethora of cloud-based tools and technologies that make it incredibly easy to maintain open lines of communication with coworkers and supervisors. Keeping everyone on the same page is equally important as combating feelings of isolation in the absence of face-to-face contact. 

Develop A Routine

You should get into the habit of starting and ending your day with a routine. Whether we like it or not we depend on routines, habits, and structures to keep us sane. Maintain some sense of normalcy by finding a daily routine that works for you. If need be, set alarms and timers to keep yourself on track.

Schedule Breaks

One of the last tips for working from home is that it’s important to take a lunch break and as many intermissions as needed to keep you focused and productive throughout the day. When you aren’t at the office you don’t have to worry about appearing unproductive if you need to get up and stretch your legs. Try not to skimp on breaks when working from home, even a quick walk outside or a change in location can help if you are feeling stuck or tired.

The Future of Working from Home

Looking to the future, as more technologies develop many more full-time employees will continue to transition to remote work. The benefits of working from home will continue to outweigh onsite work in most industries. Companies will need to keep up with the trend especially as the country’s economy leans heavily into the services industry. Additionally, the current pandemic surrounding COVID-19 has had the unintended effect of pushing thousands out of their offices requiring them to work from home. Keeping these tips for working from home effectively in mind you can easily adapt to similarly mandated telecommuting situations in the future.

The amount of businesses willing to offer remote work options is likely to continue increasing as more industries become digitized. Knowing the benefits of working from home, as well as being able to offer employees advice for how to work from home efficiently, will help you maintain a competitive advantage in an increasingly digital world.

Interested in learning more about the benefits of working from home and working from home efficiently? Click here!